2018 Reorganization Candidate Statements

Welcome to the 18th LD Democrats 2018 Reorganization Candidate Statements!

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  • Caressa Milgrove
    commented 2018-11-29 17:03:28 -0800
    I proudly endorse Paulina Oberg for State Committeewoman! I’ve gotten to know Paulina over the last few years, and she has proven herself to be a driven and dedicated advocate, especially for anything related to education or children. She is a great organizer, critical thinker, and communicator. I believe her voice and passion would be put to great use in the State Committee.
  • Alona Steinke
    commented 2018-11-29 13:47:20 -0800
    Paulina, you have our endorsement.
    Don and Alona Steinke
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