
18th Legislative District Reorganization Meeting

December 16, 2020 @ 6:30PM

Meeting will be called to order at 7:00PM, please log in early to sign in and allow the Secretary to complete credentials.

Note:  This meeting is being held online via Zoom.  Access instructions have been emailed to members.

If you have questions or need access information, please contact the 18th LD Secretary, John Latta, at:

[email protected] or (360) 335-8083.

Proposed Rules

  1. Sign-in is required at check-in.
  2. Eligible voters shall be limited to PCOs elected during the August 4th, 2020 Primary (including any PCOs who were deemed elected without appearing on a ballot because they were the only person to file in their precincts).
    1. Eligible voters will be issued details for casting online ballots.
    2. A 50% + 1 majority vote of members present and voting is necessary to approve any vote unless otherwise noted.
  3. The meeting shall be called to order by the Temporary Chair.  Current Chair, Candy Bonneville, will serve as the Temporary Chair.
    1. The Temporary Chair shall preside until the election of the new Chair.
  4. The Temporary Chair shall review the Proposed Rules with the Body.
  5. The Body shall vote to approve the meeting Rules.
  6. Election of officers shall proceed in the following order:
    1. Chair
    2. Vice Chair
    3. Two State Committee Members of Different Genders
    4. Treasurer
    5. Secretary
    6. Communications Officer
    7. PCO Coordination Officer
    8. Community Affairs Officer
    9. Volunteer Coordination Officer
  7. Process for nominating and electing all positions shall include the following:
    1. Call for nominations
    2. Close nominations
    3. One minute nomination speech for all candidates
      1. Order of speeches determined by order of nominations.
    4. Three minute speech for all candidates.
    5. Speakers for all races may be PCOs, candidates, or Democratic residents of the County or Legislative District.
  8. Ballot Procedures:
    1. In accordance with 18th LD Bylaws, no proxy voting is permitted.
    2. When precinct committee officers vote for organizational officers (e.g., chair, vice chair, secretary, treasurer, state committeepersons), they do not have to vote by signed ballot provided that there is a mechanism to ensure the eligibility of those who cast ballots (e.g., a check-off list, sign-in-sheet, ballot receipts). (WSD Charter, Article VII.G.2)

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  • Ian Coker
    published this page 2020-12-01 20:22:22 -0800
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