18th LD Democrats October 2019 Meeting

Join the 18th Legislative District Democrats for a business meeting, announcements, and candidate statements.

The agenda will include:

- Officers' reports
- Committee reports
- Announcements
- Candidate Updates
- Revisit Motions raised at the September meeting for endorsements

October 16, 2019 at 7:00pm - 8:30pm
Add to Your Calendar 16-10-2019 19:00:00 16-10-2019 20:30:00 15 18th LD Democrats October 2019 Meeting Join the 18th Legislative District Democrats for a business meeting, announcements, and candidate statements. The agenda will include: - Officers' reports- Committee reports- Announcements- Candidate Updates- Revisit Motions raised at... 3136 NE 3rd Ave, Camas, WA 98607, United States Candy Bonneville [email protected] DD/MM/YYYY
Camas Round Table Pizza
3136 NE 3rd Ave
Camas, WA 98607
United States
Google map and directions
Candy Bonneville ·
Thomas Hernandez

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Thomas Hernandez

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  • Thomas Hernandez
    rsvped 2019-09-21 18:17:55 -0700
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