18th LD Democrats March 29th E-Board Meeting

E-BOARD MEETING - March 29TH, 2020 - 12 NOON - 1:30PM

Virtual meeting using Zoom.  For further information contact Candy Bonneville at [email protected]

Per our Bylaws, all 18th LD Executive Board meetings are open to be observed by the public. Please note:

- Guests are asked to observe and listen quietly
- The board reserves the right to remove anyone who is disruptive
- Minutes from the meeting are part of the public record (show less)

March 29, 2020 at 12:00pm - 1:30pm
Add to Your Calendar 29-03-2020 12:00:00 29-03-2020 13:30:00 15 18th LD Democrats March e-Board Meeting E-BOARD MEETING - March 29TH, 2020 - 12 NOON - 1:30PM Virtual meeting using Zoom.  For further information contact Candy Bonneville at [email protected] Per our Bylaws, all 18th LD Executive... Vancouver, WA, United States Candy Bonneville [email protected] DD/MM/YYYY
online virtual meeting
Vancouver, WA
United States
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Candy Bonneville ·

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