18th LD Bylaws Open House


E-Board and Bylaw Committee members will be there to answer any questions to the proposed bylaw changes.

June 17, 2017 at 2:00pm - 4pm
Add to Your Calendar 17-06-2017 14:00:00 17-06-2017 16:00:00 15 18th LD Bylaws Open House E-Board and Bylaw Committee members will be there to answer any questions to the proposed bylaw changes. 10621 NE Coxley Dr, Suite 101, Vancouver, WA 98662, United States Ian Coker [email protected] http://www.facebook.com/events/438072313243480/ DD/MM/YYYY
Clark County Democrats Office
10621 NE Coxley Dr
Suite 101
Vancouver, WA 98662
United States
Google map and directions
Ian Coker ·
Paulina Oberg Ian Coker John Oberg

Who's RSVPing

Paulina Oberg
Ian Coker
John Oberg

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  • Paulina Oberg
    rsvped 2017-06-13 21:51:34 -0700
  • Ian Coker
    rsvped 2017-06-08 21:50:47 -0700
  • John Oberg
    rsvped 2017-06-08 21:50:46 -0700
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